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2023 - 2024 Officers

President:  Caroline Kinney

Vice President/Treasurer: Ashley Porter

Junior President:  Kara Whitehead

Outreach Chair: Meredith Osborne

Communications Chair: Katie Pennell

About BMES

How to Join

Students of all experience levels and majors are invited to join AU BMES!


If you are interested in joining the Auburn Student Chapter of BMES, please join our Listserv or email Katie Pennell ( to subscribe to emails. This is how we communicate with members and keep everyone up to date on all the latest news, events, and information.


Dues for the 2023-2024 school year are $30, or $15 per semester, and can be paid at any of our meetings.


If you're interested, please also join the BMES National Organization, which provides you with a host of benefits, including free access to professional development and biomedical journals, a network of contacts in the field, and the ability to attend conferences. Be sure to select 'Student' from the dropdown menu for the discounted membership fee of $30 per year.



Outreach Opportunities 

Throughout the semester we will be visiting K-12 schools local to the Auburn area. We will hold science demonstrations for younger students to increase excitement about STEM, and begin a mentorship program for older students curious about college life. 


If you are interested in being a part of this, or know of another school that would want to be visited, please check out our Outreach page.

Professional Development

Becoming a member of Auburn's student chapter of BMES means you have access to a lot of different professional development opportunities such as mentorship, an internship database, and resume help.


Check out the Development page to learn more about our resources.

Meet the Officers

Learn more about our 2023-2024 officers and the different positions they hold! 


Check out our Officers page here:

Auburn BMES

212 Ross Hall 

222 Foy Union Circle

Auburn University, Alabama 36849


Engineering Society Student Chapter Auburn University

This website is published by the Auburn University student chapter of BMES, a registered student organization. This website is not an official publication of Auburn University and does not represent the views of the university or its officers.

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